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ECG Waves, Intervals, and Segments

ECG waves, intervals and segments

Electrical Vector

Limb leads with mechanism of formation q wave, r wave, s wave during depolarization and repolarization

Depolarization and Repolarization

ECG mechanism p wave (atrial depolarization), qrs complex (ventricular depolarization), t wave (ventricular repolarization), u wave


ECG intervals: RR interval, QRS interval, QT interval, isoelectric line
  • An interval is a segment that includes waves or complexes


ECG segment

Waves and Deflections

ECG waves: P wave, Q wave, R wave, S wave, T wave, U wave
  • Wave
    • is rounded
  • Deflection
    • has a sharp peak
  • Wave
    • In English, both waves and deflections
    • are referred to as wave

PQ Interval

PR (PQ) interval begins at the onset of the P wave and ends at the QRS complex

RR Interval

RR interval is the interval between two peak R waves

QRS Complex

ECG QRS interval represents the duration of ventricular depolarization, contains Q wave, R wave, S wave

QT Interval

ECG QT interval represents the duration from depolarization to repolarization of the ventricles. It is the duration of the action potential

ST Segment

ECG ST segment is normally isoelectric

T Wave

ECG T wave corresponds to phase 3 of the action potential. Represents the repolarization of the ventricles
  • Represents repolarization of the ventricles
  • Is wide and low
    • Because repolarization is slower and more asynchronous
  • The T wave is the most variable part of the ECG curve
  • Normal T wave is concordant
    • Has the same direction as the QRS complex

U Wave

ECG U wave is associated with metabolic disturbances - hypokalemia


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers

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ECG Waves, Intervals, and Segments

ECG waves, intervals and segments

Electrical Vector

Limb leads with mechanism of formation q wave, r wave, s wave during depolarization and repolarization

Depolarization and Repolarization

ECG mechanism p wave (atrial depolarization), qrs complex (ventricular depolarization), t wave (ventricular repolarization), u wave


  • An interval is a segment that includes waves or complexes

ECG intervals: RR interval, QRS interval, QT interval, isoelectric line


  • A segment is a section that contains only the isoelectric line

ECG segment

Waves and Deflections

  • Wave
    • is rounded
  • Deflection
    • has a sharp peak
  • Wave
    • In English, both waves and deflections
    • are referred to as wave

ECG waves: P wave, Q wave, R wave, S wave, T wave, U wave

PQ Interval

  • Begins at the start of the P wave (atrial depolarization)
  • Ends at the start of the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization)
  • PQ interval is sometimes referred to as PR interval
    • Because sometimes the QRS complex starts with the R wave
  • Duration is 0.12 - 0.2 seconds
  • It is mainly used in the diagnosis of AV blocks

PR (PQ) interval begins at the onset of the P wave and ends at the QRS complex

RR Interval

RR interval is the interval between two peak R waves

QRS Complex

  • Is sometimes referred to as the QRS interval
  • The QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization
  • Ventricular depolarization has 3 electrical vectors
    • Each vector has a different direction
  • Ventricular depolarization
  • The ventricles have a more massive myocardium than the atria
    • This is why the amplitude of the QRS complex is larger
      • than the amplitude of the P wave (atrial depolarization)
  • Ventricular depolarization (QRS complex) lasts 0.06s - 0.1s

ECG QRS interval represents the duration of ventricular depolarization, contains Q wave, R wave, S wave

QT Interval

ECG QT interval represents the duration from depolarization to repolarization of the ventricles. It is the duration of the action potential

ST Segment

ECG ST segment is normally isoelectric

T Wave

  • Represents repolarization of the ventricles
  • Is wide and low
    • Because repolarization is slower and more asynchronous
  • The T wave is the most variable part of the ECG curve
  • Normal T wave is concordant
    • Has the same direction as the QRS complex

ECG T wave corresponds to phase 3 of the action potential. Represents the repolarization of the ventricles

U Wave

  • The U wave follows the T wave
  • The mechanism of its formation is uncertain
    • It is probably due to delayed repolarization of the ventricular septum
  • Not always present

ECG U wave is associated with metabolic disturbances - hypokalemia


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers