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Electrical Vector of the Heart

Heart electrical vector, depolarization and repolarization

Working Myocardium

Distribution of current in myocardium and rapid spread of electrical activity

Action Potential and Working Myocardium

  • In the image, there are cardiomyocytes of the working myocardium.
  • At rest, all cardiomyocytes are polarized.
    • Due to uneven ion distribution, the extracellular environment has a positive electrical charge.
      • Extracellularly, there is a high concentration of Na+ ions.
  • Cardiomyocytes form a syncytium.
    • They are interconnected by intercalated discs through which ions rapidly transfer.
  • Upon stimulation of a cardiomyocyte by an impulse, the action potential spreads to neighboring cells.
    • Similar to throwing a stone into water (from the center outward).
    • Cardiomyocytes depolarize.
      • The extracellular environment becomes negative.
  • The action potential spreads:
    • Rapidly - longitudinally
    • Slowly - transversely
    • Because intercalated discs are located on the lateral sides of cardiomyocytes.

Propagation of Action Potential

Propagation of Action Potential

Electric Vector and ECG

Recording a voltage action potential by external electrodes

Working Myocardium and Electric Vector

  • The image shows a portion of the working myocardium (not a single cardiomyocyte)
  • Volt is the voltage between 2 electrodes
    • The ECG device has electrodes on the surface of the body
  • Voltmeter shows electrical voltage if:
    • One electrode is over depolarized (-) part
      • The other is over repolarized (+) part of the myocardium
    • The ECG device displays volts as waves and deflections
  • Voltmeter shows 0 mV value
    • If both electrodes are above depolarized (-) or repolarized (+) myocardium
    • Voltmeter shows 0mV because there is no electrical voltage between the electrodes
    • On the ECG, it represents the isoelectric line
  • Electric Vector
    • Always directs from negative (-) to positive (+) extracellular part of the myocardium
  • If the electric vector is directed
    • Towards the ECG lead - it creates a positive deflection (wave)
    • Away from the ECG lead - it creates a negative deflection (wave)

Depolarization and ECG

Myocardial wall depolarization from endocardium to epicardium

Near-simultaneous activation during depolarization of myocardium

Spread of Depolarization Wave and ECG

Repolarization and ECG

Myocardial wall repolarization from epicardium to endocardium

Near-simultaneous activation during repolarization of myocardium

Spread of Repolarization Wave and ECG

  • Repolarization wave (extracellular change from - to +) spreads in the myocardial wall from epicardium to endocardium
    • Because epicardium starts repolarizing earlier
    • The wave has opposite direction compared to depolarization
    • However, the electric vector always directs from (-) to (+) part of the myocardium
      • The electric vector has the same direction during both depolarization and repolarization
  • The repolarization wave spreads slowly
    • Because calcium and potassium channels open slowly at the end of action potential in cardiomyocytes
  • The repolarization wave is directed from the ECG electrode, but the electric vector directs towards the ECG electrode
    • Repolarization occurs more slowly, resulting in a broad T wave
    • The width of T wave represents the time during which the ventricles repolarize

Depolarization and Repolarization of Myocardium

Fast spread depolarization wave, electrical vector and R wave

Slow spread repolarization wave, electrical vector and T wave

Depolarization and Repolarization of Myocardium

Action Potential in Endocardium and Epicardium

synchronous depolarization with notch, and asynchronous repolarization wave of action potentials in endocardium and epicardium

Action Potential in Endocardium and Epicardium

  • Action potential of cardiomyocytes in endocardium and epicardium has different electrical properties
  • The conduction system activates myocardium in the endocardium
    • Thus, depolarization begins in the endocardium
  • Depolarization in endocardium and epicardium is nearly synchronous
    • Therefore, the depolarization wave propagates rapidly through the myocardial wall
  • Cardiomyocytes in the epicardium start repolarizing earlier than those in the endocardium
    • Hence, repolarization wave begins in the epicardium

  • The electrical vector of depolarization and repolarization, however, has the same direction

Action Potential and Contraction of the Cardiomyocyte

Main Ventricular Vector

Main resultant electrical vector during ventricular depolarization

Main Ventricular Vector

  • The ventricles depolarize sequentially
    1. Ventricular septum (Q wave)
    2. Ventricles (R wave)
    3. Base of the left ventricle (S wave)
  • The depolarization wave has a specific direction and sequentially depolarizes the entire ventricles
    • The direction of the resultant electrical vector changes during depolarization
  • The ECG curve shows the resultant electrical vector over time
    • At 50ms, the left and right ventricles are synchronously activated
    • The electrical vectors diverge from each other
      • The left ventricle vector is larger (due to the left ventricle being more massive)
      • Thus, the resultant vector of ventricular depolarization is directed in the direction of the left ventricle
  • Main cardiac vector
    • It is the electrical vector of left ventricular depolarization (and right)
      • The right ventricle vector is small and has little influence on the direction of the left ventricle vector
    • It is the largest and creates the R wave on the ECG
  • The size and direction of vectors over time is a vectorcardiogram

Ventricular Vectors

Resultant heart vectors, direction and magnitude in time - vectorcardiogram

ECG and Ventricular Vectors

  • The ventricles are activated sequentially:
    1. Ventricular septum (VS - septal vector)
    2. Left and right ventricles (VM - main vector)
    3. Base of the left ventricle (VT - terminal vector)
  • QRS complex appears differently in each lead
    • Because each lead "views" the vectors from a different angle
    • If the vector is directed
      • Towards the lead - creates a positive deflection
      • Away from the lead - creates a negative deflection

  • Ventricular depolarization (QRS complex) is shown in the images
Vectorcardiogram with limb leads and QRS complex formation

Limb Leads

  • "View" the vectors in the frontal plane

Vectorcardiogram with chest leads and QRS complex formation

Chest Leads

  • "View" the vectors in the horizontal plane

ECG sinus rhythm with P waves and QRS complexes

Sinus Rhythm


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers

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Electrical Vector of the Heart

Heart electrical vector, depolarization and repolarization

Working Myocardium

Distribution of current in myocardium and rapid spread of electrical activity

Action Potential and Working Myocardium

  • In the image, there are cardiomyocytes of the working myocardium.
  • At rest, all cardiomyocytes are polarized.
    • Due to uneven ion distribution, the extracellular environment has a positive electrical charge.
      • Extracellularly, there is a high concentration of Na+ ions.
  • Cardiomyocytes form a syncytium.
    • They are interconnected by intercalated discs through which ions rapidly transfer.
  • Upon stimulation of a cardiomyocyte by an impulse, the action potential spreads to neighboring cells.
    • Similar to throwing a stone into water (from the center outward).
    • Cardiomyocytes depolarize.
      • The extracellular environment becomes negative.
  • The action potential spreads:
    • Rapidly - longitudinally
    • Slowly - transversely
    • Because intercalated discs are located on the lateral sides of cardiomyocytes.

Propagation of Action Potential

Propagation of Action Potential

Electric Vector and ECG

Recording a voltage action potential by external electrodes

Working Myocardium and Electric Vector

  • The image shows a portion of the working myocardium (not a single cardiomyocyte)
  • Volt is the voltage between 2 electrodes
    • The ECG device has electrodes on the surface of the body
  • Voltmeter shows electrical voltage if:
    • One electrode is over depolarized (-) part
      • The other is over repolarized (+) part of the myocardium
    • The ECG device displays volts as waves and deflections
  • Voltmeter shows 0 mV value
    • If both electrodes are above depolarized (-) or repolarized (+) myocardium
    • Voltmeter shows 0mV because there is no electrical voltage between the electrodes
    • On the ECG, it represents the isoelectric line
  • Electric Vector
    • Always directs from negative (-) to positive (+) extracellular part of the myocardium
  • If the electric vector is directed
    • Towards the ECG lead - it creates a positive deflection (wave)
    • Away from the ECG lead - it creates a negative deflection (wave)

Depolarization and ECG

Myocardial wall depolarization from endocardium to epicardium Near-simultaneous activation during depolarization of myocardium

Spread of Depolarization Wave and ECG

Repolarization and ECG

Myocardial wall repolarization from epicardium to endocardium Near-simultaneous activation during repolarization of myocardium

Spread of Repolarization Wave and ECG

  • Repolarization wave (extracellular change from - to +) spreads in the myocardial wall from epicardium to endocardium
    • Because epicardium starts repolarizing earlier
    • The wave has opposite direction compared to depolarization
    • However, the electric vector always directs from (-) to (+) part of the myocardium
      • The electric vector has the same direction during both depolarization and repolarization
  • The repolarization wave spreads slowly
    • Because calcium and potassium channels open slowly at the end of action potential in cardiomyocytes
  • The repolarization wave is directed from the ECG electrode, but the electric vector directs towards the ECG electrode
    • Repolarization occurs more slowly, resulting in a broad T wave
    • The width of T wave represents the time during which the ventricles repolarize

Depolarization and Repolarization of Myocardium

Fast spread depolarization wave, electrical vector and R wave

Slow spread repolarization wave, electrical vector and T wave

Depolarization and Repolarization of Myocardium

Action Potential in Endocardium and Epicardium

synchronous depolarization with notch, and asynchronous repolarization wave of action potentials in endocardium and epicardium

Action Potential in Endocardium and Epicardium

  • Action potential of cardiomyocytes in endocardium and epicardium has different electrical properties
  • The conduction system activates myocardium in the endocardium
    • Thus, depolarization begins in the endocardium
  • Depolarization in endocardium and epicardium is nearly synchronous
    • Therefore, the depolarization wave propagates rapidly through the myocardial wall
  • Cardiomyocytes in the epicardium start repolarizing earlier than those in the endocardium
    • Hence, repolarization wave begins in the epicardium

  • The electrical vector of depolarization and repolarization, however, has the same direction

Action Potential and Contraction of the Cardiomyocyte

Main Ventricular Vector

Main resultant electrical vector during ventricular depolarization

Main Ventricular Vector

  • The ventricles depolarize sequentially
    1. Ventricular septum (Q wave)
    2. Ventricles (R wave)
    3. Base of the left ventricle (S wave)
  • The depolarization wave has a specific direction and sequentially depolarizes the entire ventricles
    • The direction of the resultant electrical vector changes during depolarization
  • The ECG curve shows the resultant electrical vector over time
    • At 50ms, the left and right ventricles are synchronously activated
    • The electrical vectors diverge from each other
      • The left ventricle vector is larger (due to the left ventricle being more massive)
      • Thus, the resultant vector of ventricular depolarization is directed in the direction of the left ventricle
  • Main cardiac vector
    • It is the electrical vector of left ventricular depolarization (and right)
      • The right ventricle vector is small and has little influence on the direction of the left ventricle vector
    • It is the largest and creates the R wave on the ECG
  • The size and direction of vectors over time is a vectorcardiogram

Ventricular Vectors

  • First, the thin ventricular septum is activated
    • Creating a small septal vector (VS)
  • Then, the massive left ventricle is activated
    • Creating a large main vector (VH)
    • Simultaneously, the thin right ventricle is also activated
      • Small right ventricle vector
      • Does not influence the direction of the main vector
  • Finally, the base of the left ventricle is activated
    • Creating a small terminal vector (VT)

  • You must imagine the vectors in 3D space
Resultant heart vectors, direction and magnitude in time - vectorcardiogram

ECG and Ventricular Vectors

  • The ventricles are activated sequentially:
    1. Ventricular septum (VS - septal vector)
    2. Left and right ventricles (VM - main vector)
    3. Base of the left ventricle (VT - terminal vector)
  • QRS complex appears differently in each lead
    • Because each lead "views" the vectors from a different angle
    • If the vector is directed
      • Towards the lead - creates a positive deflection
      • Away from the lead - creates a negative deflection

  • Ventricular depolarization (QRS complex) is shown in the images
Vectorcardiogram with limb leads and QRS complex formation

Limb Leads

  • "View" the vectors in the frontal plane
Vectorcardiogram with chest leads and QRS complex formation

Chest Leads

  • "View" the vectors in the horizontal plane

ECG sinus rhythm with P waves and QRS complexes

Sinus Rhythm


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers